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Bombarded by apps? Consolidate into MS Teams

Microsoft Teams is a platform that enables business users to communicate, collaborate, and be more productive at levels that were previously unreachable from anywhere in the world. The platform has recently gone through a period of exponential expansion, and Covid-19 has only served to emphasise this growth even more. Regardless of their size or where their staff is located, businesses of all sizes may now continue to operate thanks to the app.

Instant Messaging, the “Channel” function, files, the calendar, and online meetings are just a few of the many tools that Microsoft Teams offers that may completely transform your daily. Let’s take our time to examine these in detail, determine what they are capable of, and determine what makes them the best tools now on the market.

Teams’ features – A breakdown

Instant messaging

Chatting with coworkers about work and unrelated topics is possible using the instant messaging feature. You can have a one-on-one conversation with someone using the “Chat” option, or you may hold a “group chat” with several people. You may be saying, “But it sounds like every other messaging app on the market,” and while I do agree, Teams stands out because, while in the chat, users are not restricted to exchanging only text messages but also emojis, stickers, GIFs, and, most impressively, files and links. With this skill, you can reduce the daily volume of emails circulated across the office. This might be revolutionary in a huge office because it will permanently alter how effectively people communicate within your company.

The Channel feature

Teams have sections called Channels that are intended to keep conversations organised by their particular departments, disciplines, or subjects. With Channels, you can effortlessly organise your environment in a way that benefits your team and organisation while still having the freedom that befits your ownership of it. All Channels can be made private for particular audiences or left public for all team members.

The fact that files exchanged in a Channel are automatically kept in a SharePoint folder is a very useful aspect of the Channel feature. Each Microsoft Teams team has a site in SharePoint Online, and shared files are added to the document library on that site. The file security and permissions settings you configure in SharePoint are automatically transferred to Teams and applied there as well.


Files was briefly discussed in the section before, so let’s review. The Files tab of the Channel to which you posted the file will immediately receive it when you upload a file to Teams. The only persons who can access files shared in a private or group chat are the other participants in that conversation. These files are kept in your OneDrive for Business folder.


Your Outlook calendar data is used in conjunction with Teams’ Calendar feature. This frees up your users from having to continuously hop between various calendars in order to keep track of their critical events or book meetings for the future. Instead, they can work fully through Teams. As a result, there is less time lost and more productivity as users’ interactions with your cyberspace are streamlined.

Online Meetings

One of the most important ways to work together in Teams is through meetings. You can use the audio, video, and screen sharing features of the Meetings tool to communicate with the meeting attendees on several levels. You can participate in Teams Meetings without even having a Teams account, which is one of its best features. You need only look in the invitation for brief, easy directions on how to participate in the call.

As we have previously stated, Teams’ features all interact with one another in some way. They may speak with one another and cooperate to make your working day simpler. Instead of needing to become familiar with the workings of numerous systems, they enable you to enjoy your job experience from a single platform.
The alternatives that are now on the market are simply incompatible with one another and cannot operate from the same platform.

They will require you to operate in a clunky, disorganised manner, which will make for a considerably poorer experience than Teams.

We shall discuss the benefits of using a single system when working in the final and subsequent blog in this series.

Teams can transform your company

Our team of professionals provides complete and effective cyber solutions that safeguard your data. We have a variety of services to assist mitigate risk, safeguard your business, and revolutionise your workplace. Everything we do is focused on lowering the risk that your organisation faces and providing increased productivity. So if you require assistance with any of these please [get in contact(

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