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Bombarded by apps? Consolidate into MS Teams – Save Money and Headaches

In the previous article, we looked into Microsoft Teams and found that there aren’t any substitutes that can come close to matching the capabilities and usability of Teams.

Let’s look at a few benefits of operating from a single system.


Microsoft Teams – one system, the advantages

Nobody could have predicted the success of Microsoft Teams at this point. It has established itself as the best system available thanks to its staggering 250 million daily average users. Teams provides a variety of tools that might assist you in organising your worklife. Working with a single system has several benefits, therefore let’s enumerate them now:


The cost savings of combining apps is one of its most evident advantages. There are costs associated with using Cloud apps, while subscriptions are frequently less expensive than hosting software locally. The majority of business software base their monthly prices on how many users you have or how much storage you use; these expenses add up and might become prohibitively expensive. Why spend money on several apps? Having apps with functional overlap does not provide any benefits!


In addition to being expensive, managing multiple subscriptions can be a real hassle. When various departments within your organisation utilise different apps, keeping track of your outgoings can become very challenging. By combining all of your bills into one, you can see exactly what your business is utilising and ensure that you are getting value from it.


An excessive number of apps decreases productivity. Moving back and forth between apps regularly costs time, which has a knock-on impact that makes your staff less productive and stops your business from providing the best service to its clients. Of course, it can seem like we’re being overly dramatic; after all, what are a few minutes of your day? It doesn’t sound too bad, but if you sum up those moments over the course of the year, you’ll realise that quite a bit of time is spent. For example, five minutes every day over the duration of an average person’s working year equates to a lost business day for each user.

Technology simplified

The fact that cloud apps are more straightforward to set up than their on-premise counterparts does not imply that they are hassle-free. The apps still require IT specialists to manage them; among their numerous responsibilities will include adding and removing users from apps when their positions change, as they leave the organisation or retire, or for other reasons. Your team will have more time to work on more productive projects now that all of the apps have been combined into one.

Data analysis

Data has the potential to be your company’s greatest asset. Data is considerably easier to analyse when apps are combined into a single solution because it is collected in one location from throughout your entire organisation. When your team has a comprehensive understanding of your data and what it reveals, they can anticipate your company’s demands and better serve your clientele in accordance.


Cybercriminals obtaining access to data and systems is becoming all too typical in the workplace in the modern digital era. Consider it like a bank; there is only one way in and out of the vault, isn’t there, allowing you to focus all of your defensive efforts on that one area. The more dispersed your apps are, the higher the danger there is of your organisation becoming the target of an assault. Users frequently use the same password for several accounts, which means that if one is compromised, your entire system may be exposed and vulnerable.

Let’s look at ways to determine if your company has too many apps.


How to know

On the other side, you may have been very picky about the applications that you use in your company. It is normal for leaders to not even be aware of all the apps your firm employs. In any event, it is simple to overdo it and let your IT landscape get congested. Consolidation chances are always present; the trick is to watch out for the warning indications. Start by posing the following inquiries to yourself:
•Are different departments of my organisation using different apps that have similar functionality?

•Is important information scattered across many different tools which necessitates employees to have to search to find what they need?

•Is it hard to connect different parts of your organisation because they are functioning separately to one another?

It’s time to analyse your organisation and start the process of combining all of your resources into one application, and Microsoft Teams is the obvious choice if the answer to any of these questions is “yes.”


Teams can transform your company

Our team of professionals provides complete and effective cyber solutions that safeguard your data. We have a variety of services to assist mitigate risk, safeguard your business, and revolutionise your workplace. Everything we do is focused on lowering the risk that your organisation faces and providing increased productivity. So if you require assistance with any of these please get in contact.


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